Seven healing crystals you need in your life!

Crystals have been used as a form of healing and spiritual connection for thousands of years. Ethically sourced healing crystals are a huge part of my work, and their energy is a constant source of inspiration. In fact, sometimes the stones “speak” to me and tell me how they want to be set!

But they’re not just pretty to look at - the energy from each stone can have wellbeing benefits, too. So many of my lovely customers use them for mental and emotional support, requesting stones with particular properties for gifts or commissions. So I thought I’d take you through seven of my favourite stones, and tell you why I think you need them in your life!



Garnet is a great stone for grounding and stability. It will help build your self-esteem and bring you the courage to face your fears, and grow stronger every day. It’s perfect for when you need to get back on your feet after a setback.



The sacral chakra is our centre of creativity and passion, and carnelian, with its deep orange colour, is ready to inspire you! Bring out the carnelian when you’re lacking in motivation and drive, and need inspiration to reach your goals.

Carnelian ring set in 9ct gold


Amber’s warm and bright energy can help relieve anxiety and lift your spirits. It’s a little ray of sunshine that deflects negative energy when you need it most, and removes obstacles in your path to give you the power to make positive changes in your life.

Mexican amber cuff
Sale Price: £160.00 Original Price: £260.00

rose quartz

Opening the heart chakra, rose quartz is known as the “love stone” - it lowers stress and tension in the heart, fosters empathy, and heightens sensitivity. It’s great when you need a little self-compassion, and accept love from others.

Rose quartz stud earrings

lapis lazuli

The colour blue governs the throat chakra, which can help you communicate and express yourself clearly. When you need to speak your truth, and make your voice heard with clarity and conviction, lapis lazuli is the perfect stone for you.



Known as the “soul stone”, amethyst stimulates the third-eye chakra and can be used as a powerful meditation aid. If you suffer from headaches, insomnia or nightmares, amethyst is a great stone to help ease your burdens and relax into your destiny.



With its gentle, feminine energy, moonstone will help you connect to the rhythms of Mother Nature. Use it when you need to open up your emotional self, and connect with your own intuition. This nurturing stone will open up your crown chakra.


So however you’re feeling, know that there’s a healing crystal out there that’s got your back! I’d love you hear which stones you think you need the most in your life, so drop me a comment below and tell me your fave!