Self-care Saturday
I'll admit it - until recently when I heard the word "self-care" I would roll my eyes. After all, if you take a look on social media you'd be forgiven for thinking that self-care is all yoga classes, manicures and bubble baths. Not that I'm judging - I've already done one of those today and will be doing the other two when I get home tonight!
Maybe I'd been giving self-care a bad rep. I mean, taking time out of our busy lives to do things that make our hearts happy is essential to our emotional and physical well-being.
Some stacking rings and stone setting in progress
But there are days when my version of self-care is simply getting out of bed. Having a shower and putting on clean clothes. Watering the plants so they don't die in the summer heat (side bar: come back, summer heat, all is forgiven!). Even doing the things that would normally fill me with unbridled joy - like going to my workshop, or taking a walk in Osterley Park - simply fill me with either dread or apathy.
Bought myself a lovely bunch of flowers today
I'm glad that today is not quite one of those days for me, although I know they're not behind me entirely. Today I was able to get up early, and get a sweat on at hot yoga. I was excited to arrive at my workshop at lunchtime, and make some progress on the millions (quite literally!) of designs that have been swirling round my head the past few days. And you know what, I'm gonna treat myself to a pizza (vegan gluten-free, of course!) and eat that mofo in the bath as soon as I get home!
Yeah...I couldn’t wait for that pizza!!
But if today is one of those days for you, know that I see you. Know that self-care doesn't have to be an act of performative self-indulgence - you don't have to feel pressured into facing the world, or the nail salon, or the yoga studio, with a cute smile and a cute Instagram filter. Sometimes it's just about survival. Being kind to yourself. And taking the small steps that you are able to take, at your own pace, until you make it through the other side.
I'd love to hear how you take steps to care for yourself on those days, so if you feel you can, please do share your thoughts in the comments!
Leila x